Crayons with Curriculum Subjects


Learn more about each grade level by clicking the appropriate tab below.   To access the Curriculum Resources for Little Silver School District, click the link on the side menu.

Enrichment Program

Little Silver School district believes in providing differentiated instruction and enrichment for all learners.  During the 6 day cycle, 3rd and 4th grade students that have met the district criteria for participation into the Enrichment Program are all given an opportunity to explore a variety of interests and talents. For more specific information please visit the Enrichment Program link in the side menu.

Special Subjects

Special subjects for grades Kindergarten  - 5th grades include art, world languages, physical education, health and wellness, music, technology, and STEM. To learn more about the Special Subjects please visit the curriculum guides provided in Rubicon Atlas that can be found in resources.

Fun at Gym with Mr. Hilla

Fun in Gym with Mr. Hilla